Thinking of installing a pool in your yard? Since you’re not a stingray at Sea World, you probably haven’t considered the potential benefits of a saltwater pool.
But maybe you should.
A lot of buyers think saltwater systems are prohibitively expensive. It is true that electronic saltwater systems cost more up front to install, but that investment will be mitigated over the years because saltwater pools use far fewer chemicals, which brings us to the next benefit.
When you swim in a traditional pool, you’re submerging yourself in water with high concentrations of chlorine, which is the stuff that makes bleach melt the color out of anything it touches. In fact, the first-ever chemical attack during World War I used chlorine gas.
Sorry. Since this is a post about backyard swimming pools, we thought we’d keep it light and fun.
But seriously, saltwater is soft, silky and simply feels nicer and smoother on your skin than chlorinated water — and it’s certainly gentler on your eyes. You ever open your eyes underwater in a chlorine pool? You spend the rest of the afternoon with eyeballs that look like cherry tomatoes.
Another common perception is that electronic saltwater systems are more complex. They are. If something breaks, you’ll almost certainly need professional help to fix it. The flip side of that coin is that saltwater pools require far less maintenance and are far more hands off in the long run.
Some people are concerned that saltwater has an unpleasant taste. If you’re considering drinking pool water, perhaps a pool isn’t for you.
Saltwater pools are not totally chlorine free, and salt can damage concrete or some accessories like fixtures, heaters or underwater lighting. But with the exception of those rare and only potential drawbacks, it is hard to make a case against saltwater pools, which, until recently were reserved for luxury resorts.