We expect a lot of rain this week courtesy of Matthew. Hopefully, nothing eventful will happen and no power outages will occur, but just in case, here are steps to take to avoid the worst:
Many homeowners think draining their pool will keep it from overflowing and flooding the yard, however, hydrostatic pressure increases with a lot of rain and therefore draining could cause the liner or pool to float. If you want to backwash a little out of the pool today, that would be fine, but definitely no more than few inches. It is best to watch the weather and see what they project we should receive in rainfall. Another good reason to leave the water in your pool is it acts as a barrier to your pool surface. The water in the pool will protect the liner or surface of your pool from getting scratched with branches or falling debris. Drain your pool only as needed.
The most significant storm damage can occur to your pump and motor. You may want to turn off the circuit breaker and be certain your pump is located in a high and dry place to avoid flooding. If not install drainage so you protect your expensive pool equipment. Restart the equipment as soon as the storm is over to avoid green water.
If you have time remove or secure patio furniture and umbrellas. you do not want them in the pool tearing your liner. Be certain potted plants are removed from nearby the pool so they don’t go IN the pool. Nothing is worse than vacuuming soil out of the pool for a week because the plants went in the pool.
Rain will inevitably dilute your water and you will still need to balance after the storm, but getting the pool correct before the storm comes alleviates the possibility of algae formation. Be certain to add shock and algaecide today as a preventative measure. Clean out your skimmer and make sure the pool is clean before the storm to decrease your clean up time after the storm.
If you have any loose or low hanging branches take care of those now so they don’t end up in the pool or through your window.