Before draining your spa you must take proper procedure for a clean and proper maintenance of your water and spa condition. Using spa purge before draining your spa restores the plumbing to original condition and takes out all organic waste such as oils, lotions, cosmetics, hair products, sweat build up, etc., that your body tends to leave in the water.
1. Remove cartridge filter elements
2. With Spa water temperature at 95 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, add entire contents of 1liter SPA Purge bottle to spa water
3. Run jets a minimum of 5 min.( if excessive foaming occurs turn jets off)
4. Maintain water temperature and allow spa to circulate overnight with jets off.
5. Drain, rinse and then refill spa and reinstall filter elements. Proceed with normal spa maintenance.
Before refilling the spa clean the hot tub with Clean and Perfect which cleans away excess grease and dirt left in the spa. Just spray and wipe for cleaning use.