Many homeowners struggle while trying to select sanitization systems for their swimming pools because they have many options to choose from. The truth is: no single system is best. Different swimming pools call for different systems. You should therefore consider a number of variables when selecting a sanitization system, including initial costs, maintenance costs, maintenance tasks, climate, and number of swimmers.
Chlorine has historically been the most widely-used chemical for swimming pool sanitization, though several alternative sanitation methods have recently gained popularity. It kills bacteria by undergoing a simple chemical reaction. In this chemical reaction, chlorine breaks down into hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite ions, which then oxidize bacteria until they are neutralized or destroyed.
Salt chlorine generators utilize a chemical process called electrolysis to form hypochlorous acid (a sanitizer) from salt and water. The key characteristic that distinguishes salt chlorine from its sanitizing counterparts is its ability to recycle itself. After the hypochlorous acid sanitizes the swimming pool water, it reverts back to salt, and then the process repeats. Salt chlorine generators have gained much popularity with homeowners recently, and the market for them is likely to expand further in the near future.
Uses electromagnetic radiation to decontaminate water to be treated. Various chemicals, bacteria and other materials are often present in untreated water. Whether the water is intended for consumption or some other application that requires treatment, water purification is necessary to reduce the amount of contaminants occurring in it. The use of ultraviolet light to purify water has many advantages over chemical methods like chlorination. There is a downside to the process as well which often requires secondary treatment after the fact.
Ultraviolet water purification possesses advantages over a more widespread treatment like chlorination. These mostly have to do with the toxicity levels of chlorine. Chlorine requires attention during the purification process while UV purification does not. UV does not contribute to poor-tasting water like chlorine, nor is it chemically active. Chlorine may actually react with other ingredients present and form compounds of a toxic nature. Ultraviolet radiation does not use heat or chemical additives of any kind during the purification process. The simple fact that it comes into contact with the microorganism is enough to inactivate it and render it harmless.
Ultraviolet light is an effective means of disinfecting water for consumption, but an additional chemical process is sometimes necessary to ensure that all residual microorganisms are destroyed. By inactivating bacteria and other harmful particles found in untreated water, UV radiation leaves no chemical side effect. To be effective, however, it must enter relatively clear water so as not to be absorbed. Since ultraviolet water purification does not remain in treated water, a chemical such as a chlorine compound is added to the treated water after the fact. Although this does negate some of the advantages of ultraviolet water purification, it still manages to avoid the potential side effects of chlorination
Parrot Bay Pools & Spas
3011 Town Center Drive Suite 130
Fayetteville, NC 28306