Pool Care can be simple when you have a plan for
routine maintenance and use the right products. Keep in Mind…
1. Circulation
The best time to circulate the water is during the day, for a minimum of 12 hours in vinyl and 6-8 hours in fiberglass. Pool must be circulated for maximum
sanitizer effectiveness. The more your water is in motion, the harder it is for bacteria and algae to take hold.
2. Filtration
The filter one of your most important pieces of equipment. It removes both visible debris and most microscopic matter. Generally, a filter should be backwashed, sand, when the filter pressure es 10 or more pounds above normal.
*Some swimming pools have areas with little or no circulation. This is where algae and bacteria begin to grow. At least once a week, the walls and floor should be brushed and vacuumed to remove debris that the filter misses. Brushing is a must, even if you use an automatic pool cleaner.