5 Reasons why Building a Pool Can be Stressful
1. It’s a lot of money
I’ll say that again. It’s a lot of money. Many people come to us and say, wow, that’s more than I thought. Many people know what a pool costs and buy right away. Some people save for years. Everyone is different, but after building your home, a pool could be the 2nd largest purchase you ever make. Other than that Lamborghini you have been wanting. Is a pool worth it? Absolutely! How do you put a price tag on relaxation and stress free living? You can’t… buy the pool and buy it now! BBQ by it, drink your coffee, stare at it, and be amazed at all you have worked so hard for. Your blood pressure will thank you later.
2. No prior experience to draw from
Remember when you had a baby for the first time and didn’t even know how to strap that car seat in the car correctly? You got them home and weren’t quite sure what to do with them, when to burp them, plus the noise and the screaming! Did you ever say, maybe I shouldn’t have done this? Well, enter a pool. Many things will occur during construction and after the pool is built that you have no prior experience with. You have to trust the company you hire to do a good job and just relax and let them do their job. After it is built, much like bringing an infant home from the hospital for the first time, you will have a learning curve. You will need to teach yourself about your pool, use our guides included with your install, video pool school, and then learn to test your water. Or you can just hire someone after install to care for your new pool. Much like you could hire an in-home nanny. Whatever you do, please don’t get frustrated with your pool builder because it is a new learning curve for you. We are here to help, but you must also put in the work to learn. We can’t move in with you to take care of your pool.
3. Are you a control freak/ Worrier?
There I said it! Can you relate at all? You worry about almost everything and you need to know every single thing that goes on because you think you can do it better. Most of the time, the number ONE reason people are buying a pool is to relax. So, do that, even during construction! Enjoy the process, including the mess. Life is messy, like building a pool. If you complain all the time and never see the beauty in the mess you become a miserably unhappy person. Stop that! Take a breath, do yoga by your mudhole, and for goodness sakes for yoursanity board your dogs and hire a landscaper if you need to!
4. Are you trying to save money?
Well, don’t we all want to save money? I know it’s tempting, but every time people tell me they are doing their own landscaping, unless they are a professional landscaper with a skidsteer, I know we are headed for distress and a disgruntled experience. Pool construction is major construction. Your yard is destroyed, there will be rocks, piles of mud, tree roots, and gravel. If your skills are not skid steers, grading, planting, and irrigation- then for the love of your sanity and peace hire a professional to complete this very expensive backyard project. We can offer landscaper and sod options once your pool is complete. You can always make more money, you cannot make more time.
5. You Bring your same self to your backyard
This is similar to #3, but worth more detail. Everywhere we turn people are searching for purpose, fulfillment, happiness, and to live their best life. Yet, they keep bringing their same self to experiences and wonder why they can’t find it. Hmmmm…. So, let’s try something new. Next time, when you don’t understand something, feel slighted, get irritated, someone cuts you off in traffic, whatever the case may be, try not reacting. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Know they are not against you. Let it work itself out. You know what? It usually does. You didn’t need to help it, or fuss, or make a call. Especially surrounding the pool. If you hired an experienced pool builder, they know what they are doing. Communication goes both ways. If you are confused, say that. If you see a leak, say that. If you overspent and don’t have the payment, say that. It’s all fixable, but try not attaching emotion to it, unless your emotion is love. Emotions cause problems for everyone. When people are emotionally charged they tend to make poor decisions and say mean things soemtimes. Stick with the facts, remove your feelings and Zen out by your pool. Be the calm in the mess and uncertainty. Embrace it and enjoy it.
No one says on their death bed, “Gosh I wish I had worried more.” So let that go, buy the pool, throw that flamingo float in the pool, and live a life dripping with calm, peace, gratitude, and love.